Showing posts with label Hearts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hearts. Show all posts

Monday, September 6, 2010

Wedding Hearts

Conditioned for the life of all loving…
Joining in maturity and resolve
Expecting to advance in true love’s court…
Hearts of two braced the journey ahead

Individuals unique yet fusing…
For their souls long for each other daily
Wedding for the lovers of the seasons…
Fitting for the marathon commitment

Spirits of compatibility be…
Feeding on the abundance of blessings
True to the institution of kisses…
Holding on to their hearts of destiny

Firmly and assuredly loving for more…
Sweethearts join in family ritual
The establishment of a household strong…
Sustained by vows of holy proportions

Angel hearts sing their songs of approval…
While the depiction of true love flourish
Man and wife with a solid foundation…
Hearts evermore faithful to the glory

©2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 - 2024...
Dennis A. Dames
Nassau, The Bahamas

Queen of Hearts

Queen of Hearts
called for me
Queen of Hearts
said to me:
If I recite
for thee tonight...
thou would be
with me
wrapped tight.

I said: recite for me
dear Queen of Hearts
because I know
by morn
that this night
would be
sweet memories
of you and me.

Queen of Hearts
…Do please
…recite those worthy parts

©2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 - 2024...
Dennis Arthur Dames
Nassau, The Bahamas