Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Love Poet's Love Poems Treasure List

Dennis A. Dames Island Woo Love Poetry Hub Online

Dennis A. Dames Island Woo Love Poet's Love Poetry Directory

Poem A Valentine Spectacle - View

Poem Adorable You - View


Poem An angel in distress - View


Poem Awed Lover - View


Poem: Commit to loving - View


Poem Couple in Love - View

Poem Deserving Love - View


Poem Enchantment - View


Poem Engaged - View


Poem Epic thoughts of my love - View


Poem For a queen's joy call - View


Poem Hateful Love - View


Poem Heart of Love - View


Poem Inspirational Love View


Poem Love in action - View


Poem Love Letter - View


Poem Love Letters - View


Poem Love Notes - View


Poem Love of Mine - View


Poem Love Secured - View


Poem Lovers Cue - View


Poem Lovers Loving - View


Poem My Bride  ‐ View


Poem My Wife Terry - View


Poem Nuptial Harmony - View


Poem Passions Sensate - View


Poem Queen of Hearts - View


Poem Quintessence of love - View



Poem Relationship of Love - View


Poem Rich Love - View


Poem Statements of Love - View


Poem Sweethearts - View



Poem Teen Lovers - View


Poem The girls I once knew - View


Poem The light of your love - View


Poem Two Roses in love - View


Poem Love quote - View


Poem Love test - View


Poem Love un-trite-able - View


Poem Wedding Bliss - View


Poem Wedding Dress - View


Poem Wedding Hearts - View


Poem Wedding Love - View


Poem Wedding Notes - View


Poem Wedding Soul - View


Poem Wedding test - View


Poem Wedding Wishes - View


A wedding poem for the bride and groom - View


A wedding poem - A groom's song - View


Poem When I am with you - View


Poem Woman of Love - View


Poem Wondrous you - View

Island Love Poet's Domain of Love Poems ‐ Nassau, The Bahamas

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Woman of Love

Contented heart beats along…
The love of a woman is the sweet song
Even portions always served…
Adequate to maintain a festive momentum

Women of love…
I know your dedication
First hand the fond experiences…
The recipient’s pleased sufficiently

My lady you are…
With odes of approval
You’re entitled to tenderness in return…
My love for you exclusively matures

Unrelenting in vigor and assurance…
The flow of unity nurtures resourcefully
Woman of my heart…
Esteemed and beautiful

Relationship eternal we love on…
With respect and undying loyalty
Foundation of compatible spirits on fire…
Retains two united unselfishly within its walls

©2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 - 2024...
Dennis A. Dames
Nassau, The Bahamas

Monday, September 6, 2010

Wedding Love

Wedding for love, and lovers obligate…
No substitution will survive trials
To be wed is to spouse with the massive…
For every concerning circumstances

King and Queen of hearts and diamonds accept…
In joining for everlasting yearning
Honey without expiration sweetens…
Stocked for the journey in eternal love

Union for companionship and smooth blend…
Insistent about mixing with the one
Soul mates maturing in hearts relation…
Pursuing true love together in faith

Hopeful about triumphant conclusion…
Lovebirds in oneness sing their commitment
Yesterday, today and tomorrow's true…
Songs of angels compliment the chorus

Blessings, and good wishes… warm ambiance
Love dominates like the faithful sunlight
Potent and reliably serving…
Love of life… bridegroom admires his wife

©2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 - 2024...
Dennis A. Dames
Nassau, The Bahamas

Love Un-trite-able

Improved love dotingly transforms…
Into pillared exemplar in hearts prosperous
Always fresh for the feast…
Esteem dynamic in example and delight

Sharing regular wholesome yields…
Of confidence and determination
Un-trite-able love, the duo subscribe…
Advancing souls exult in earnestness

Like the faithful seasons…
And the heavenly word
Love for eternity…
Stirring now and beyond

Surviving on the hook of hope…
Reciprocated and balanced
The influential power…
The living force of faith

The lovely profession…
For the striving lover
Benefits thrive…
Like no other

©2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 - 2024...
Dennis A. Dames
Nassau, The Bahamas

Love Test

The territory’s breathing companion…
Conquering all tests of love
Knowing with innate certainty…
That the familiarity is authentic

Challenging obstacles…
In life of determination
Love conqueror…
The battles restricted

Aloof the fray…
For love’s matchless
Trials continuous…
Hearts unflinching

Through the intensity…
Loving souls bloom
Positive attitudes…
Every day’s welcoming

Partners of victory…
Providing love infinite
Undeterred by likely interference…
No challenge is beyond the devotees’ foundation

©2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 - 2024...
Dennis A. Dames
Nassau, The Bahamas

Love Quote

Love quote in thought…
Describing the splendid moments
Unique of us…
In private intercourse

Communicating the devoted urge…
Manifestation worth picture
I value you…
Like the return receives

We reference our hearts…
Pleasantly and loyally
It’s worth telling…
To you dearest

Precious noting…
In words appropriate
Repeat the loving…
In characters attuned

Love quote of approval…
In the groove amorous
Replicating joy release…
In icons of creditable sounding

©2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 - 2024...
Dennis A. Dames
Nassau, The Bahamas

Roses in Love

As it unlocked … the beauty of the rose was uncovered
The authority of creation and rebirth,
…maintained energetically brilliant
A period of being, and a destiny of death…
The evolution is perpetual with life

When our time came to bloom, and show love…
We opted to so do mutually
We dance with the passing winds…
Together, we welcome the rains of infinity

We bathe with the sunlight of the heavens…
And hold exceedingly the soil of the essence below us
We know that our time is currently…
So we are faithful to the efficiency of loving
…to the fullest

We dwell in unity, to share in the might of our hearts…
And to experience the glory of a lover’s handle
In our season, we are devoted to partnership…
Effective for a purpose- living the joy!

My flower and my queen…
I adore you in the maturity of my soul
You are the woman in my existence…
My friend and mate

Reminiscent of two roses in love…
We blossom internally as one

©2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 - 2024...
Dennis A. Dames
Nassau, The Bahamas

The Light of Your Love

When we have encountered initially
I saw the times with you abundantly in the future
It was something mysterious…
A reality that was moving and satisfying…

I knew then, that I wanted to see you again
So I moved without delay to ask you to join me for a date…
You smiled and said nothing at first
And then the answer came…

It was the beginning of a lasting bond
You became the love of my romance…
The woman of my heart
I am now contentedly committed to having you…
The comfort of my existence

The one possessing the charm…
The lady for my seasons
You are the sole queen of hearts…
Loving and treasured- you are

To live with you radiates even the darkest of time…
The light of your love keeps me in sight
I could have never been more fortunate…
To have flames in such an immense stock

©2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 - 2024...
Dennis A. Dames
Nassau, The Bahamas

Statements of Love

Uplifting proof…
Symbols of attachment
Transparently enough…
In splendid sustenance

Automatically maintaining…
Admirable flow
Defining love…
In perfect tune

Statements of love…
Served thoughtfully
Central to the essence…
Of hearts afire

Binding fuel…
For lovers on the move
Proven lyrics…
Expanding deeds

Love for every season…
Mounting with time
Bodies in synchronization
Lovers indeed!

©2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 - 2024...
Dennis A. Dames
Nassau, The Bahamas

Rich Love

Spur ignites the handsome day…
Greetings of inspiration hail
Charged amply with entire loving…
Enough fuel to last until again

The station is mine…
With all its stock
I’m rich with love…
And a partner so fine

Constantly receiving the boost on time…
Returning the joy where it’s admirable
Enough isn’t the question…
Added and more is what I need

She knows the routine…
She’s dedicatedly serving
I’m driven to happiness and endless joy…
Because the intimacy is potently constructive

The nights illuminate with brilliancy…
Energies of obligations gratify
We survive through the grace of our beings…
We exist for fondness and to be treasured

©2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 - 2024...
Dennis A. Dames
Nassau, The Bahamas

Relationship of Love

Blended with compatibility…
Mixed with shared desirability
Loving expands with a duo in love…
Building with the blocks of respect

Aspiration to satisfy…
Soul mates of affection
Relationship of confidence…
Twosome linked by approbation

Caring for contentment’s source…
Returning the essentials…maintaining the flow
The advocates of harmony…
Protecting the love deserving of

Blissful obligation…
Happiness’ flourishing
Examples of correctness…
In expressing love’s denotation

Tomorrow’s promising…
With seeds of fruitfulness
As devotees react…
Jointly in sincerity and function

©2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 - 2024...
Dennis A. Dames
Nassau, The Bahamas

Quintessence of Love

Ultimate hearts…
Loving substance
Tuneful and smooth…
Lovers live the gist of heaven

The faithful arms hold strong…
The mysterious touch secured
Only the blessed recognize…
Believing in the essence of the source

Inwardness creates joy to share…
Reminiscent of the love and true guarantee
The core of the visions…
Enforces the realness

Fuel of love…
In adequate supply
Meat of the feast…
Enough to go around

Power to live…
Drive to endure
Praising the cause…
Quintessential in the love

©2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 - 2024...
Dennis A. Dames
Nassau, The Bahamas

Love Secured

Wrapped in concord…
Synchronized in love
All’s in sync…
With the one I adore

Lasting friendship…
With the dearest of heart
Exchanging fondness…
With dedication so pure

Secured in trueness and sound commitment…
We know the pleasure of authentic affection
We live for it…
And provide the necessities to endure

Lovers in agreement…
Through the challenges along
Each day we feast on the hugs and kisses…
Devotees on course to remain strong

Partners of sharing…
We furnish selflessly
Bonding in truthfulness…
Eternity’s our home

©2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 - 2024...
Dennis A. Dames
Nassau, The Bahamas

Love of Mine

Love of Days…
My heart sings
A time of peace…
With the one so sweet

Held with delight…
Equally on fire
The energy’s firm…
The passion flows

Sharing in common…
The food of fortitude
Linked by the essence of compatibility…
Holding sturdy
…with blissful hearts in common

Believing in tomorrows’ intimate exchanges…
We’re welcoming of the tasks ahead
Willing to love you no matter what…
You care for me like no other

We are lovers in every time…
Uncompromising about what we feel
Happy about our fitting choices…
The perfect relationship for two faithful

Enduring solidly the tests of time…
Holding on convincingly to the love of mine

©2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 - 2024...
Dennis A. Dames
Nassau, The Bahamas

Love Notes

Symbols of love…letters composed
Meaningful words…from the feelings
Love notes reminding…a lover sweetheart
Conveyance of soul…spiritual enforcements

Believing in loving…
Expressions transparent
Like dedicated rhythms of pleasure …
Ceaseless in finding the ultimate face

Belonging compassion…
Related mate
Imparting similarities…
We survive in compatibility

Kissed signature…
Your lips’ so inviting
Scented sweet sheets…
With corresponding characters

Love notes of us…
Mirrored reality
True destiny…
Lovingly fortified

©2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 - 2024...
Dennis A. Dames
Nassau The Bahamas

Love Letters

Affirmative writes…
About your love for me
Enforcing your determined care…
In every word expressed

I know your loving core…
Because it’s demonstrated with power
Your letters are real and totally assuring…
They remind me of the things we share unwritten

I feel your will…
We’re in love with pride
Your precious ink…
Tells me about your loyalty

Your words and actions run equal…
There’s no contradiction
Love notes near me…
Representing your company

Loneliness the un-companion…
We’re linked continuously
The literature of strength…
Fortifies our unwavering needs

©2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 - 2024...
Dennis A. Dames
Nassau, The Bahamas

Love Letter

To: The one of my heart…

With the greatest of respect appreciated
You are the daydream’s source…
That keeps hot flames alive

These words are for you…
The one who comforts soothingly
The woman belonging…
To me proven

I love you forever…
Because love is ours
We live it caringly…
Together in accord

My lady precious heart…
Lover supreme
Woman of congenial imaginings…
You are so loved

We support us…
In thoughtful flowing deeds
You’re rightly entitled…
To every bit of mustered love

©2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 - 2024...
Dennis A. Dames
Nassau, The Bahamas

Inspirational Love

Wanting to love more and more
Inspired by the glory of enticing force
Positive living and mutual giving
The only way forward in romantic virtue

Surviving on loving with care
Always willing to increase my share
Investing in common intimacy
With the one so praiseworthy

I’m in love to love on
Thoughtful to the enduring plan
No regrets in maturing adoration
Increasing steadily in trusty enjoyment

Inspirational love to hold
Awesome story to be told
Lovers’ life unfolds
Tale of two of priceless gold

Daily chapters of amorous days
Accounts of affection convey
A lover and a lover live on
Partners keen to durable bond

Inspired love of esteem
Model of contented dream
Ideal blending of resolute hearts
Enthused in lasting like superior art

©2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 - 2024...
Dennis A. Dames
Nassau, The Bahamas

If we know love…

If we all love…
Peace we shall know
If we share kindly…
Our hearts shall glow
If we give thoughtfully…
Our souls shall well grow

If love is our guide…
The wars shall slide
If we live in calm…
We reap serenity
If we defend our brothers…
The future’s harmony

If love is our shield…
Richness reigns
We live together in quiet abundance…
For tomorrow’s gift is timeless gold
Love’s the victor…
Over hate and hurt

If we practice family bond…
We defeat division and scorn
We live for each other…
Shielding our children,
…and their justified chance to succeed

If we all love…
The devil’s no more
We survive the ill-temptations…
Combined in a sacred resolution
Purposeful and meaningful…
Love’s our unifying master

If we know love…
We have been converted
From the aches of impiety…
We stand tall in blessedness
Forever in fortune…
To idyllic paradise deserved

©2010 - 2024... Dennis Arthur Dames
Nassau, The Bahamas

Heart of Love

Timely and bona fide…
It flows with undying certainty
Unspoken but sure…
Reliable is its name

Ready to rescue…
Willing and dependable
The heart of love…
The essence of oneness

Like the daystar…
It illuminates faithfully
Providing energy efficient to a soul in distress…
Loyally steadfast in times of crisis

Understanding and fully in tuned…
Alive in passion and authentic devotion
The center of security…
The foundation of true existence

Love is the heart’s rhythm…
Beating the harmonious sounds of life
It’s the core food of lovers…
Sustaining togetherness and replenishing the earth

With satisfying peace and confidence…
Maintaining the essential groove of soundness and joy

©2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 - 2024...
Dennis A. Dames
Nassau, The Bahamas